There are some people around the world who will laugh at this blog entry and I hear them saying...
if you want to know what cold is....come here!!
Well this winter has been unusual from the weather point of view, in that it has been very mild.
We already have daffodils blooming and primroses are out in the hedgerows.
But for the last few days temperatures have dropped and things are back to normal.
The early flowers have had a shock.
At Freshwinds today the sun was delightful....the only warm place was inside the polytunnel.
We didn`t stay long.
Steve had to prise the leeks out of the ground....
....they were very nice in our lamb stew.....
and the sprouts just snapped off the stalks.
I let him get on with it. I just wandered round taking pictures.
There is no hope of starting any kind of work when it`s like this.
The icy tractor ruts resembled works of art.
The line of shadow was clear from the frost remaining.
Close up the frost was like lace.
The topsoil pile was as hard as iron.
The compost heaps were not steaming!!
On close inspection, the cobbing might need a new layer on its windward side.
The sheep and donkeys are cosy in the barn.
We came home for lunch and toasted in the sunshine in our garden room