My main job today was to scatter packets of seeds in various areas in the garden. In the end I held some back for May because they will need to go where the forgetmenots are.
My brother James gave me a prize he won in a raffle.
The new pocket system in the polytunnel is keeping things tidy.
It`s made from recycled curtain fabric.
In this area next to the onions I have put godetia, linum and candytuft.
Steve put up the start of a bean row, that`s if we actually manage to germinate any. We`re having the same trouble as last year with poor germination. We are a bit short of hazel poles.
The sweetpeas are surviving.
Harry and William were very frisky, rolling and tumbling all over each other.
When I knelt down to say hello, Harry made a most peculiar noise. I don`t know if it was frustration as I didn`t have any food.
The strawberry plants are really starting to green up.
Bumble bees seemed a bit dopey.
The corn marigold looks like it has taken over in the wild flower area again. I think it may be to do with the fact that rabbits don`t particularly like it, though a few tops are nibbled.
Steve moved the hop to the pets corner area. It took quite a bit of digging out.
Comfrey is coming up all along the big path next to the barn.
It has seeded itself. Bees love it.
The leeks have been eaten.....the usual culprits. Looks like I will be making more net curtain fences.
Hope everyone has a great bank holiday weekend.