Blog Archive

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Frisky Ferrets and Seed Scattering

My main job today was to scatter packets of seeds in various areas in the garden. In the end I held some back for May because they will need to go where the forgetmenots are.
My brother James gave me a prize he won in a raffle.

The new pocket system in the polytunnel is keeping things tidy.
It`s made from recycled curtain fabric.

In this area next to the onions I have put godetia, linum and candytuft.

Steve put up the start of a bean row, that`s if we actually manage to germinate any. We`re having the same trouble as last year with poor germination. We are a bit short of hazel poles.
The sweetpeas are surviving.
Harry and William were very frisky, rolling and tumbling all over each other.
When I knelt down to say hello, Harry made a most peculiar noise. I don`t know if it was frustration as I didn`t have any food.

The strawberry plants are really starting to green up.

Red campions have just started flowering .
Bumble bees seemed a bit dopey.

The corn marigold looks like it has taken over in the wild flower area again. I think it may be to do with the fact that rabbits don`t particularly like it, though a few tops are nibbled.

Steve moved the hop to the pets corner area. It took quite a bit of digging out.
Comfrey is coming up all along the big path next to the barn.
It has seeded itself. Bees love it.
The leeks have been eaten.....the usual culprits. Looks like I will be making more net curtain fences.
Hope everyone has a great bank holiday weekend.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Ajuga and Asparagus

We have had two visits to the garden in the last few days. We could do with some rain.
I took some perenniels to plant but decided to wait til the ground is damper.
I planted a rather sparse row of sweetpeas due to half of them having been eaten by mice.
I`ve got another couple of packets in this week to fill up any spaces later.
I planted a row of odd pieces of dahlia tuber and covered it with the cloche.

The blossom was particularly good.

The garden looked lovely in the sunshine.

We picked the first asparagus and it was delicious.




Our last job today was to have a good clear out in the polytunnel.
We threw out a lot of torn fleece and tatty netting.
Steve washed all the plastic last time using a soft brush and washing up liquid.
It looked much better and ready for the next bout of planting.

I have an idea for this side which will help us keep things tidier.

Gandalf has survived the winter but he`s fallen over twice in the wind, despite 
a huge building block on the base.

Keeping my fingers crossed for rain tonight.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

New Pets Corner

Anne and her dad, Don, completed the new pets corner on Friday.
It was great to see the rabbits and guinea pigs enjoying their freedom today.
And they are surrounded by the most incredible damson and plum blossom.

I planted a huge area of leeks in the raised bed.

And two rows of odd dahlia tubers....

A river of blue....

Nearly ready to start the floor of the cob shed.

This photo shows the tenacity of the local rabbit population. Despite an old freezer tray protecting the chives, they have eaten everything that grows through.

We spent a lot of time with the lambs.
My brother and his wife Julia, brought Frazer to see the lambs for the first time.
He found it very amusing when they sucked Jamie`s fingers.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Craft Cart and Newts

I was thrilled to see the newts in the pond today.
We sat for at least ten minutes watching the pond surface and were totally amazed to see not one but many newts all swimming together in the warmth of the sunshine.
I have lots of questions....
Did they hibernate in our pond? 
Did the warm sunshine bring them out?
If they didn`t hibernate in our pond, where did they come from?
Do they eat frogspawn?
Bit of research tonight I think.
The photos are not wonderful but I am glad to have even got a picture.

Also very pleased to see the ramshorn snails are back.
Do they hibernate? And is that an air hole on its shell?

And I managed to capture the first picture of a frog, unfortunately surrounded by blanket weed.

The thing about the pond is is no good just glancing as you pass, you have to sit on the logs and keep very quiet and still. All sorts happens in front of your eyes.
I could sit there for ages. It`s a world within a world.


I made some new bunting for the craft cart and I have hung it with bunches of statice and ribbons of helichrysum, all grown at the garden.

I am very pleased to see that the perenniels enclosed by net curtains, are all starting to romp away now that they are not being grazed by rabbits.

The first plants went onto the nursery table which is inside the garden this year.
More to be added later.

Over winter I buried the dahlia tubers in the middle bed of the polytunnel and covered them with a carpet. Today I dug them out in readiness to put in their summer positions.
Apart from  a mouse nest and s few chewed parts, they were intact. In fact they were huge. 
Some parts broke off. I will make new plants with them. On the left of this picture you can see them all lined up.

The rhubarb is growing overnight.

The asparagus has just started.

Brocolli in cheese sauce for our evening meal.
It was delicious.

And finally some new bunting for the reception desk.
Look out for this as you arrive at the farm.