Blog Archive

Friday, 4 January 2019

Steaming Heaps and Daring Delphiniums

My blog review was mostly photograph based, but I will try to describe the feelings of being at the garden on a day like today.
It was sunny though crispy cold.
Tim was shovelling manure and it was steaming in heaps with the sun`s rays shining through.
 Birds were singing, the robin following our movements and hoping for worms. 
It was very peaceful and a good day for various jobs.
Steve was spreading rich manure.

I decided to make a start on the big path alongside the barn.
Lots of weeds have died down so it was a lot easier.
Nettles, comfrey, brambles, deadly nightshade, elder, hogweed, thistles and goose grass.


 And still to go. Bit of fence repair work to do as well.

After clearing the dead comfrey leaves I could see the new shoots peeking through.
Astonishing sights for January.

And a sweet smelling winter flowering honeysuckle much loved by my sister Lee.
 A couple of general views.
 A job for next time ..... pruning.
And a beautiful sunset to end the day.
What more could we want from the start of the new gardening year.



  1. Happy New Year! Surprising how much pleasure can bring in early January.

    1. And the same to you. Plenty to do that's for sure.

  2. Yes indeed. I have enjoyed the brief lull. Happy New gardening year to you.
