Blog Archive

Monday, 10 March 2025

Ducks and Daffodils

We have had a stretch of lovely weather, close on the heels of such cold days a week or so ago. March can be fickle. Today was a bit overcast but warm. We were in t.shirts.

The job I hoped to do was to begin the fairy garden weeding.

It didn`t happen.

It has been so dry and I decided to get going on the middle flowerbed. The weeding was such a pleasure that I completed the whole bed as well as spread some well-rotted chipped bark from the barn path.


As I worked here, the perfume from this daffodil was knocking me out.

Talking about daffodils, this group come up every year in the polytunnel and every year I promise myself to move them!!

I think it is called "Jetfire."


 The broad beans are doing well.

As we rested for our teabreak, I thought I heard a grunt and went to see if one of the tortoises had woken up. (I know one has hibernated in the run.) But it turned out to be a pair of mallard ducks. When we arrived, I had thought that the pond looked a little muddy. Anyway I crept up behind the cob shed to get some pictures. They were a beautiful pair with wonderful colours and slender necks. I managed to get several photos before they sensed me there and flew off over the cobshed, in a flurry of water droplets.

I wonder what they are hunting for.

We were delighted to harvest our first purple sprouting broccolli. We ate it covered in cheese sauce this evening. I love it.


Plenty more jobs to do but in the meantime here are some pulmonaria "Blue Ensign" in the fernery, to enjoy.




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