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Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Magic Mushrooms and T.shirt Teddies

 I found some lovely muliti-coloured wool recently, which changes colour very quickly. I decided to make magic mushrooms. At the weekend I was given a lot of unwanted crafts including beads and sequins. They became part of the design as well. I am so incredibly lucky with things gifted to me.

Here are my first three.

I had wanted to glue them to sticks to allow them to be stuck into perhaps a gnome garden but in the end I decided to put a loop at the top.

Here is the next group.

 They might make a pretty addition to a fairy garden of your own.

My other longer project was t.shirt teddies.
I have a lot of striped and floral t.shirt fabric, recycled  of course. When I make these teddies I usually double the fabric.

It is a very simple pattern.

Amazingly all these teddies used the same pattern. They ended up in all sorts of sizes.

T.shirt Teddies and Magic Mushrooms will soon be for sale on the craft trolley.