After a weekend away, we came back to find everything thriving at the garden, due to some very welcome rain.
The first flower I spotted was this fantastic poppy. Lots more buds to come too.
My main job was to get the sunflowers in.
They are good strong plants so fingers crossed.
In the polytunnel, I planted 12 aubergines.
Some protection needed....they did get nibbled last year which set them back weeks. They look a bit pathetic but actually they are quite nice plants with a good root system.
The bed behind needs some work before I plant the sweet peppers.
The lettuce have moved on a bit since my last post.
Behind them you can see the spare tomatoes which have taken away nicely.
We have lost all our cucumbers this year. They were good strong plants, but all have succumbed to mildew.
Now I am reliant on my brother for extra plants.
Even our courgettes are having a problem.
Steve noticed that since we have begun watering in the polytunnel, dozens of morning glory seedlings are emerging.
Here is a better picture of the pruned damson tree.
The dahlias are starting to shoot up.
Monty Don was talking about pinching out on the BBC.
Personally I don`t think it is necessary.
The idea was to produce more flowers.
This will be our next job....clearing ready for courgettes and pumpkins.
Looking good at the moment....

......foxgloves, iris and aquilegia......

The caterpillar hedge will need cutting soon.
The cardoons have gone bonkers.
There is much exciting work going on towards our fairy days.
However, it is all secret.