Blog Archive

Thursday 22 August 2024

Evening Sun

 When we are yurting. it gives us the opportunity to see the garden at a different time. The sun slants across at a new angle, flowers look even more vibrant at dusk and the added bonus .... the guinea pigs come out. They are so pretty.

The sun hits the willow fairies at the entrance giving them a magical glow.

The fairy cave and the gnome garden are backlit by gold.

The sunflowers are truly at their best. When I think of the troubles right at the start and wondering whether we would have any left, it makes my heart sing to see them now.

Rabbits, rotting stems, wind damage ... you name it we experienced it. Luckily we grew A LOT.

I will try to name them but might get some wrong.



 A self seeder

Sunburst Mixed

Velvet Queen

Most of them are chosen for having multi-headed stems. I have been able to pick several beautiful bunches leaving more to come.

This is the rose that came first in the flower show.

At the entrance to the barn play area there are elderberries ripening ....

..... and the robin can be heard singing its autumn song.

The horses continue to graze in the setting sun only pausing to look up expectantly when Hollie arrives to give love and extra feed.

Freshwinds truly is a stunning setting.

Monday 12 August 2024

Campfires and Twinkling Stars

We were very excited last Friday to spend a long weekend at the 


with my sister, my nephew and my great-nephews.

Oh it is a beautiful spot ...

 ..... the yurt is huge with an extensive deck looking out across the fields towards Icklesham. 

The sun shone all weekend but there are plenty of sunny and shady places to choose from. A huge sun umbrella covers the table.

 Nearby is the campfire, which becomes the centre of attention as evening draws in. Firesticks, sacks of logs available from the farm, sausages, burgers, melted marshmallows and preferably a calm, still evening.

Later a walk round the Freshwinds Garden at a time when we don`t normally see it. 

Back to sit round the glowing embers as the twinkling stars come out.

Then early to bed after a glorious first evening.




Wednesday 7 August 2024

Happy Golden Days

The garden continues to look good, despite having to pull up a few things that are over. The hollyhocks are hanging on but we have both given up deadheading cornflowers.

The sunflowers have come to the fore, backed by blue blue skies. We have many dark ones but my preference is for the yellows.

There are many visitors and they all love the sunflowers. When I see them looking up, I know what they are viewing.

We have nice exchanges of garden compliments and tomatoes, runner beans or flowers.

I have planted the new hollyhocks. They have been grown from seed at home.They are protected by plastic bottle covers. It`s very strange but the hollyhocks that seed themselves after discarding the huge stems, always seem to do well round the compost heaps with no protection at all. Ironic to say the least. 

Last year I scattered hollyhock seeds all round the farmyard but I have yet to see any plants.

The tomatoes are not doing as well as usual but we cannot complain. Steve has been making  tomato sauce which makes a great layer on home-made pizzas.

This is Couer de Bue.

Even the outdoor ones are ok in relatively small pots.

The dahlias are starting to come into their own.

This is a seedling which I think is beautiful.

This is a clump of Boogie Woogie which has been left in the ground for several years. It doesn`t make a very good cut flower. But it does make one colourful corner of a veggie bed.

Here is a selection for a vase at home.


Recently Steve and I celebrated our golden wedding anniversary.

Last Sunday we walked to the church to recreate a wedding photo. It caused quite stir with the tea ladies there.

Happy Golden Days