Blog Archive

Monday 13 February 2023

Fruity February

On Saturday I was at the garden on my own. It was dull but not cold and I did sit outside for my teabreak, listening to the incredible birdsong.

I began weeding the fruit net trying to get rid of the nettles which grow so tall, just as we want to pick raspberries. Nettles are a VERY successful plant, spreading by runners and seed.

I can`t bear to pull up all the forgetmenots in the next row but I have used strips of carpet to discourage more weeds. I might try to find a wider piece.

I noticed the new long grass path is thickening up and is dotted with so far, a lot of poppy seedlings. I may scatter a few more of our saved seeds there.

My next job was to tackle a patch of couch grass that has established itself between veggie bed and path and entwined round rabbit wire. I broke away the wood edging and lifted the wire. I am increasingly finding the wood edges to be a nuisance, even though they define the beds more. Then it was a matter of digging and picking up every single strand of couch grass root. 

The rhubarb nubs are just protruding. This year we should be able to harvest some, now that it is established after the move.
Today its back to normal with Steve and Paula there. Glorious sunshine. Warm enough to sit outside for our teabreak. We had a visit from Buddy the dog who seemed very pleased to see us but I`m sure he is missing Anne. 

I weeded round the blackcurrants. They have a lot of buds so we might get a better crop this year for the jam. Lots of nettles here too.

 Steve worked on the first flowerbed replacing the now, very old rabbit wire. It has done well. It must have been there for 10 years with quite a few post replacements. Funny to think for our first few years there was no wire needed round the beds  .... that is until the rabbits discovered all the nice juicy veg.

The new posts are recycled.

Paula and I ended up weeding a large veggie bed, when I could drag her from lazing in the sunshine. The weeding is a pleasure as the frost has loosened the soil making it all very easy and even the manure lumps are breaking up.

A lovely morning to be out and about.








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