Blog Archive

Thursday 1 June 2023

The Witch goes Walkabout

I cannot believe that I wrote no entries in May. We were soooo busy clearing and planting and trying to catch up with the very late start in both gardens.

But although no-where near completion, the planting up is well under way. Here we are in June and at least 40 trays of bedding still to go. Some of those plants are being held back to fill in gaps in the borders later.

We had a bit of a disaster with the dahlia tubers in the polytunnel. First of all a lot were chewed by mice, secondly the cold snap didn`t help and finally they completely dried up. I tried soaking them but the awful smell alerted me to the fact that they were rotten.

Today they went onto the compost heap!!

Luckily we left some in the ground, well covered by carpet and I have taken quite a lot of cuttings from my home ones. I`ve also tried growing some from seed. So we are not short.

Today our main job was to get peppers, aubergines and a few extra tomatoes in the polytunnel.

Here are the ones we planted some time ago. 

The peppers were a bit small, though strong enough. I decided to protect them with plastic bottles with both ends cut out. Unfortunately I have just remembered that I didn`t put down slug pellets.

I also had a large tray of annuals to get in .... sweetpeas, mirabilis, cosmos, cornflowers.

There were lots of campers around enjoying the garden and the tortoises.

Anne and I discussed the witch scarecrow and Steve took out the post so she can sit.

Later in the day she moved to her hovel on the fairy trail.

Outside the polytunnel the cerinthe has found its own spot. Anyone who wants to grow this take note .... well rotted chipped bark. It is easy to collect the huge seeds.

Alongside the californian poppies I sowed are coming up and so far, not eaten.

Elsewhere around the garden.....

Lots of watering needed and no rain in the forecast!!


1 comment:

  1. Such a busy time, it feels like slow-growing this year. We’re sure the cold nights are the problem. Your gardens look good already
