My sister Paula and I, have been busy knitting and crocheting poppies, along with many other villagers, for the yarn bombing of Pett Church.
The Remembrance Day service took place last Sunday and was a wonderful occasion.
The project has been going on for a year or more and has been co-ordinated by the local Womens Institute group.
Alongside the poppy making, there has been an on-going project to renovate the war memorial.
Here are some of my photos.

Throughout the autumn we went to coffee mornings and the Popps days to tie poppies on the camouflage netting.
It was a mammoth task.
During this time the WI asked me if they could use my poppy wreath to lay at the new memorial.
I felt very honoured.
On Saturday 10th, there was a fund raiser by WI.
The local choir group sang, there was a raffle and tea and cakes.
Steve and I visited the church for the first time that day.
What a sight awaited us.

It truly was a wonderful spectacle.

The tiny church at Pett Level and the Methodist Chapel both had their poppies.
The next day, with the rain holding off, we walked along the
Pett Road joining many other people making their way to the church. A great crowd had gathered for the rededication of the war memorial, which looked splendid, and the service of remembrance.
It was a very moving ceremony with the names read out, poems and buglers.
I have enjoyed being a part of this project and feel that it has brought the village closer together in a shared endeavour.
I feel truly thankful to those who gave their lives so that we could live in relative peace.
They will not be forgotten.
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