Blog Archive

Friday 17 May 2024

Dinosaurs in the Orchard

May is marching on relentlessly and the planting out also seems to be relentless. I have been very good at just taking only what we can manage, to the garden. And none more so than the dahlia tubers. In fact today I got the last ones in that I have allocated so that was very satisfying.

It was sunny and warm but I ruined my orange Toms as I forgot to change into my rubber clogs. The ground was very wet after yesterday`s rain. Debating whether to put them in the washing machine. 

Today it was nicotiania, lavatera, ipomea and cerinthe.

We found the lettuce eaten by rabbits .... due to a hole in the rabbit wire and they had also found a way in to the 6 sunflowers in another bed. It is quite disheartening.

But it is best forgotten and we strive on to seal up holes with bricks.

This bed is doing well.

I cannot believe how long it has taken to clear these beds of overgrown perenniels with matted roots. Steve has been breaking it up with a spade to help me out. I did the very last bit today. Now I shall have to start back at the beginning again. 

In my last entry, I was worried about putting the sweetpeas in too early but they are fine and I have tied them up for the first time and fed them with a comfrey mix.

The guinea pigs need to watch out because the dinosaurs are loose in their run.

The veg beds are starting to look good. 


Pinks and purples seem to be the order of the day.


And I had to rescue a drowning fairy.
She`s safe and well now.



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