Blog Archive

Friday 3 May 2024

Metal Frogs and Fresh Ferns

We had one very warm day in the week, with a very welcome lunch outside, the smell of suntan lotion wafting around and vests off!!

Today the vests are back on plus an extra layer as it was sooo cold. We had to sit in the polytunnel for our teabreak just to warm up.

I didn`t know whether I was doing the right thing but I put in the sweetpea row. It is completely surrounded by netting, keeping them warm and keeping out any stray rabbits that might get through the wire netting..

Next I trimmed this shrub bed edge. It took ages. At the same time I was checking the wire fence for gaps. 
By the time I get to the end of the edging, I will have to turn round and start all over again.


I got a few more dahlia tubers in ...


Wizard of Oz

At home I checked on my dahlia cuttings and was delighted to find them doing exactly as I wished ..... roots coming through the paper pots. The idea is that the whole thing can be potted on without disturbing the roots.

I had seven today. 16 to go.

 Last year the cuttings I took made fantastic plants.
In the polytunnel a foxglove is flowering in all its glory ....
..... whilst outside there are still tight buds .... a clear indication of the difference a polytunnel can make. Incidently we did not plant this foxglove.

Yesterday we visited friends and were gifted this lovely tray of ferns for the fernery.
And this metal lily pad with a bright green frog which looks like it has always been there.
Thank you Nick and Sally.

The newest ladybirds are ready to be hidden round the garden and the first poppy seedlings I sowed are showing.

Things are starting to move.



  1. Ooh! Love your ladybirds! I’m going to search for some suitable stones to copy you 😊

  2. Well this year we hope they don't get thrown in the pond or 'taken home' as they take a while to make, allowing the different layers to dry off.
