Blog Archive

Saturday 24 June 2017

Alpacas in Residence

This year we have some unusual visitors for the summer...
....three lovely alpacas.

They have cute fluffy faces and are supposed to be very caring towards the sheep.
I was a bit worried that they could just step over our flimsy wire fencing after seeing their size.
They demolished the nettles all along the fence and the lower tree branches.

 On arriving at the garden one morning, I was rather upset to see this....

.....I wrongly assumed the alpacas had done as I feared.
But no, I was wrong. The sheep had barged through the netting, (now exposed) and made a beeline for the sunflowers, which they could easily reach.
Luckily they were spotted by the couple looking after their horse, Connor, and they were chased out. The fence was secured with anything to hand. 
Oooh I was cross.
You will have to read my next blog entry to see the nice surprise I had after a week`s holiday.

Poppies are popping out all over the place.
Morning glories seem to do very well in the heat of the polytunnel and my goodness, it has been hot. Anne told me the temperature in there was 49 degrees whilst we were away.


Life is too short for straight lines.
We harvested our first kohlrabi.....such an amazing colour.
We spotted a harlequin ladybird on the asparagus. I am told it has a voracious appetite for other ladybirds!!
And then we had to leave the garden for a week in Anne`s capable hands.


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