After a holiday in Fuertaventura, we are happy to be seeing the colour green, not to mention trees.
Thank goodness for our trees.
And our daffodils, camellias and pansies.
Much as I love that early Canarian sun, there is nothing quite like an English spring.
Our gardening year has begun.
Today I potted on 73 successful geranium cuttings.
I did a little experiment putting some cuttings in terracotta pots and some in plastic. I have to report that the ones in plastic pots, made more roots.

On the left terracotta and on the right plastic.
We have a great deal of tidying up in our own garden before much can be planted in beds but we made a good start today.
I sorted all our green stakes sawing off rotten ends and Steve began a new woodshed.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
Around the garden the camellias are beautiful.

The magnolia stellata living up to its name.
Bellis daisies in the pink.
Our euphorbium is colouring up well.
And the choisya has new bright red growth.
Indoors I am on a quest to stash bust my denim.
I had not realised I `d accumulated so much.
(Thanks Julia.)

The scraps are for the childrens` nursery.
Tonight I have pieced the patches together.

Quite a lot of pressing to do tomorrow.
Beautiful camelias!