Blog Archive

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Scatter Seeds and Flying Fairies

Oh it has been so cold. We have a back-log of plants waiting to be planted but the nights are too cold. We are still lighting fires in the evening and we have yet to breakfast outside.

At the garden Anne was giving the tortoise garden a spring make-over and Hollie was busy mowing the lawns.

My jobs included a barrow load of chipped bark, 14 packets of scatter seeds to sow and five dahlia tubers to find homes for.

The flying fairies, now three years old, are guarding the scatter seed bed. I put in godetia, candytuft, poppies, larkspur, clary. I hope it does better than last year when it was a bit of a wash-out.



The poor cob-shed door is going to need a lot of rather difficult repairs this year and the insides could do with a jolly good clear-out.

The strong winds blew the door almost off its hinges during the winter.
We did manage to sit outside for our teabreak. This was the view.

The cherry blossom was lovely and there`s a great place to sit and admire it.

Steve got more potatoes in and erected the bean poles.
And between us we dug over a part of the raised bed.

We will give it a good raking down next time.
We were ready for our lunch by then and went home with rhubarb and broad beans.



  1. Is that frog green or partially covered in slime?!

  2. No it is definitely green. Amazing really.
