The weather for the last two days has been so lovely.... really spring-like and warm ......such a feeling of joy to be outside enjoying it.
Yesterday we visited the garden with our nephew, Frazer who enjoyed seeing all the animals.
Today we went to work and work we did.
Tim was out and about on the quad bike and gave us a cheery wave as he checked on the sheep.
I carried on with the compost heaps. I filled the second one and dug out the third, partly....quite nice stuff too. After a few barrowloads of that, I changed my activity, as suggested in one of my previous posts. I decided to spread more chipped bark at the bottom of the garden and round the back of the polytunnel.
Steve, in the meantime, had pulled up some sprouts which have done so well, chopped the stalks for the compost and dug over the ground. It is turning over very nicely.
He also transferred the artichokes to a better area.
Whether they survive or not we`ll have to wait and see.
We had our first tea break sitting outside with an improvised table. It was peaceful and warm.
The brocolli is just starting.....need to keep the pigeons off though
All ready for planting.
The flowerbeds look much better after a tidy up.

An area for development.
Think we need some more screening for the privacy of the visitors to the little house.
The next bed to tackle!!!
We came home at 12 for lunch in the garden room.....
.....and the icing on the cake..... was a huge buzzard seen on a telegraph pole in the lane.
What a sight!