Blog Archive

Monday 6 July 2015

Frogs and Fruit Nets

I have spent a whole day at the plot.
There is so much to do. I`ve realised it is just under 4 weeks until 
we open the garden for Farm Africa.
I`d like the garden to be neat and tidy but maybe not in quite the same way as our own garden.
There is a joy in the ramshackle look we have at Freshwinds.

Yesterday I pulled up the nettles all along one side and by the evening 
my arms and even my ears were tingling.
Today the horses came right up to the would be so easy for them to step over!
No nettles to keep them away.

Steve worked on the fruit net. The netting has finer holes to keep birds out. 
There may be a few more raspberries now.

My job (which lasted all day) was to tidy up all the edges of all the beds fronting the grass and weeding in as far as I could reach. 
And it was quite a task.

I should have taken before and after photos.

Some paths are almost completely blocked by plants which have chosen where they want to be and I`ve left them. This is a feverfew in its full glory.

Some plants have been placed where I want them and they are starting to do their thing all thanks to the very welcome rain on Sunday morning.
I spread out the wallflower plantlets in the damp soil but they are looking very sorry for themselves.
I`ve shaded them today.

Many of the sedums on the cob shed are in full flower.

The beans are doing much better this year.
We haven`t had much success for a couple of seasons.

The pond is looking a lot healthier.

I even spotted this bright green frog on the pond margins.

Fernando and Anya have been staying in the shepherd`s hut. They`ve had a good weekend and hope to return. They were off to Hastings for a swim and fish and chips before returning to London.
Here they are about to collect their backpacks.....I`m very impressed with their minimalism.

At home the very welcome Pimms was waiting and the mini sunflowers.


  1. The garden looks lovely and I especially like your frog pic.

  2. Replies
    1. It was such a perfect day to be there. Feel as if I am in a little bit of heaven.
