Blog Archive

Sunday 29 March 2020

What I am Learning

I am learning that I love my family very much indeed. I knew that already but I`m finding the separation quite hard. 
I appreciate the constant contact with them all.

I am learning how to do video links and talk to more than one family member at a time.

I am learning that there is time every day to do tai chi, yoga and walking as well as starting up our Jin Shin Jyustu sessions again.

I am learning that nature goes on.

 Primroses fill the lanes .....

Bluebells are flowering in the woods.
The blackthorn is in flower.
And lambs are in the fields.
 I am learning how much I appreciate my home-grown food.
I am learning how much I appreciate the people who are delivering groceries.
I am learning how much I appreciate front-line NHS workers including my sister-in-law Julia, who is juggling work with child-care. The children are not at school at the moment.
I have always loved our garden, but I am learning just how much.
I am learning how glad I am that I have so many interests and appreciate the time to do them.
Also I am glad that I like my husband as well as love him.

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