Dirty fingernails and nettle-stung ankles....I must be home.
I have made three visits to the garden since we came back, but today, I got a really good surprise.
It has been a baking hot day with temperatures in 30`s.
The polytunnel was like an oven. I had to have breaks from working in there.
But I was determined to sort out the melons.
I read up about melon growing as I haven`t done it for some time.
I had to untangle the growth and choose 2 or 3 shoots and tie them to stakes.....
well, recycled gazebo poles!!
The results were a bit Heath Robinson.
As I sorted through the amazing growth, removing some side shoots, I found this....tennis ball sized.
As you can see, I have rested this precious fruit on straw.
And it`s not the only one.
The polytunnel is starting to fill out.
Even the tomatoes are beginning to ripen.
The pumpkins and courgettes have doubled in size in a week.
The gooseberries are fattening up.

Two new ladies and one new baby.
Lots of lovely veg coming.
And a meal of our own harvested veggies (apart from the mayonnaise.)
With strawberries to follow.
Something to gladden the heart.....
......and a job for next time.